Factory News
Tiger Enclosure Mesh
Tiger Enclosure Mesh
Author: huahaiyuan Views: Loading... Publish Time: 18-09-13, 01:24 AM
Tiger cage enclosure mesh is made of ferrules stainless steel cable mesh or woven knotted cable mesh. It is high tensile and flexible.Tiger cage enclosure netting
The stainless steel wire rope mesh are hand-made from the stainless steel wire rope, there are two types : knotted meshand ferruled mesh.
Flexible stainless steel rope
mesh, inter-woven type in particular, is usually used in animal or bird cages, which is also called zoo mesh.The mesh has strong tensile strength and high flexibility,high transparence and wide span. The flexible s.s. cable mesh has unreplacable advantages compared with other mesh products in many aspects like practicability, security, aesthetic property and durability etc.
The Tiger Enclosure and Cage constructed by our stainless steel wire rope mesh could protect the visitors and enhancing their enjoyments as well, and furthermore, it could protect the skin of Tiger effectively. We can assure this is a good idea for you, it's mature, stronger, safely and beautiful. The stainless steel material could give you most resisting rain, snow, hurricane.We recommend the code No. 32102 and 3276 for your projects of Tiger Enclosure and Cage, the mesh sizes are completely suitable for all kinds of Tigers.

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